Saturday, March 14, 2009

Warm Apple Pie Shot

This sounds like a girly drink and while it may not be quite as strong as some of the other shots that we've featured on here but this still deserves our respect. Like many of our favorite drinks this one was started as a shot in the dark.

To make a Warm Apple Pie Shot you will need the following:

1/2 oz vodka

Now I don't normally endorse shots that are topped with whipped cream for the simple fact that it's usually a pain in the ass to drink. In saying that, I ordered this shot without the whipped cream on it last time I had it.

The whipped cream doesn't add much to the flavor except some sweetness to cover the taste of the liquor. I prefer it without.

Either way, this is an amazingly smooth and delicious shot to take; whether you like the whipped cream or not.

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