Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Green Beer

Today being St. Patrick's Day a.k.a. the only holiday where its not only OK but encouraged for everyone to get drunk I decided to go with the standard classic. Nothing fancy or frilly; just a good-old manly drink: Green Beer.

Personally, I go with Miller Lite but any old beer will suffice. To create Green Beer you will need:

Lots of beer
Green food coloring

To go along with the ingredients it is encouraged that you also have an awesome pitcher to make it all in. Something about serving beer out of a pitcher adds a touch of class to any event. To properly enjoy Green Beer it should also be consumed out of Pilsner glasses to continue that classy look.

Simply add 5 drops of green food coloring to the bottom of the pitcher and fill with 5 beers. Drink and repeat as necessary or until you can't feel your face anymore.
Also, here's a look back at all of the green drinks we've featured so far:

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