Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Champagne Blitz

This is one of the classiest drinks I've ever seen. If you're having a fancy cocktail party or you're just trying to impress that special lady (or man as the case may be) this is the drink for you.

Its a cool and crisp blending of two fantastic flavors: Creme de Menthe and Champagne. Now the type of Champagne that you use is entirely up to you but for a crisp and upbeat drink go with something light and bubbly - definitely not a Brut.

To make a Champagne Blitz you need:

4 oz Champagne
3/4 oz Creme de Menthe

Pour both ingredients into a Champagne flute and stir together. If done correctly it should have a beautiful light green color.

This bubbling mint flavored drink is the perfect addition to any sophisticated social gathering.

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