Saturday, February 28, 2009

Michigan Sunrise

This one is a fresh new drink that arose out of necessity; we were running out of liquor to make drink with so we created something new!

This may look like a sissy drink but be warned: beneath its peachy exterior beats the heart of a vicious coma-inducing punch to the face. Calling for liquor after liquor this is the perfect drink to both sip and keep up with everyone in the room.

This drink calls for:

1 part Vodka
1 part Peach Schnapps
1/2 part Rum
Orange Juice

Mix the Vodka, Schnapps and Rum in a mixer with ice and strain into a glass. Top off glass with OJ and sink grenadine to the bottom. Serve and enjoy!

If done correctly it should have a soft peach look with a stripe of red across the bottom!

Friday, February 27, 2009

AMF or Adios Motherfucker

You could say this one is the cousin of the long island, but better. I herd of this one on TV one day and thought it looked good. Later that day i went to the bar and tried it and, well let's just say everyone at our table loved it.

The official recipe

1/2 oz Vodka
1/2 oz Rum
1/2 oz Tequila
1/2 oz Gin
1/2 oz Blue Curacao
2 oz Sour mix
2 oz 7-Up

I like putting it in a taller glass and using 1 oz of all the liqueur. Pour all ingredients except the 7-Up into a chilled glass filled with ice cubes. Top with 7-Up and stir gently.

On a warm summer day this is a great refreshing drink that you should keep in mind.

I would say that it tastes like punch with a major kick in the but that you'll keep coming back for.


This is just a quick post explaining to everyone how 'Following' a blog works and why we'd love it if you did.

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-Andrew and Jon

Thursday, February 26, 2009


This is by far my favorite liquors. I practically grew up on the stuff. Straight or mixed with red bull it is great.
A Jager bomb
1/2 can Red Bull
1 to 2 shots Jagermeister( 2 to 3 if your a real man)
Pour red bull into a medium sized glass. Add a shot glass of jagermeister, and chug.
The combination of caffeine and alcohol will keep you going for hours and hours.
This has the sweetness of an energy drink and the punch of a shot. A must have at any party or evening at the bar.

Monster and Rum

This is my own creation and is also the ultimate party drink in my opinion.

The sweetness of the Monster energy drink makes it incredibly easy to mix it nearly equally with rum. However, I would also strongly suggest NOT doing that because you'll lose track of how much you're drinking very fast.

The idea behind it is simple. The energy drink keeps you going while the rum gets you drunk. It looks more like Ginger Ale when you mix it together.

I would also like to suggest using the Low Carb Monster (the one in the blue can). There's something about the flavor difference that I find helps it to blend better with the rum.

Either way, it's one of the cheapest and easiest drinks to make and take anywhere. Pour 2 oz. of Monster for every 1 oz. of rum into a water bottle. Take said bottle to party. Enjoy.

That is why I call this the ultimate party drink, it's idiot proof.


I know what you're all thinking, "Corona? Everyone already knows how to drink that!"


In my recent trip to Mexico I discovered new and fantastic ways to enjoy this wonderful import! While the standard for Corona is to shove a Lime wedge down its neck here in America, that's nearly unheard of in Mexico!

Here's a couple of new options I highly recommend trying.

Grab a pilsner glass and in the bottom put just a dash of sour mix and then pour the Corona over top of it. This gives the Corona a completely different vibe and makes it a bit sweeter in my opinion.

The other option (and this is my personal favorite) is to get a pilsner glass, put a couple dashes of Tabasco sauce in the bottom of the glass and then add the Corona. This gives the beer a very serious yet refreshing bite. If you like Bloody Mary's at all you'll love this drink.

Even if you don't like Bloody Mary's you'll love this drink. Trust me. On top of the extra bite the Tabasco sauce gives the Corona it also adds a really pretty Red hue to the drink.

Don't knock it till you try it, it's the perfect drink for lounging by the pool.

Flaming Dr. Pepper

I was introduced to this drink last year and believe me, it was a trial by fire. This is one of those drinks that somehow manages to taste exactly like its name describes. Stupid Chocolate Cake shots....

Anyway, this is definitely a pre-party drink since it's not really safe to do with a ton of people around; plus it takes a bit of preparation. For this drink you'll need both a shot glass and a regular sized drinking glass. I strongly suggest a plastic cup since you'll be dropping glass on glass otherwise.

In the plastic cup fill it half way with beer. It doesn't really matter what kind, but keep it simple. You don't want to have to be chugging Guinness later.

In the shot glass fill it 3/4 of the way with Amaretto and then top it off the rest of the way with Bacardi 151. This is where it gets interesting.

Light the shot glass on fire and either blow it out after a couple of seconds and then drop it in the glass or if you're brave enough and don't mind facial reconstructive surgery just drop it in flame and all.

It should be noted that when you drop the shot in, beer comes flying out so this should be done over the sink.

Once you drop it in, just chug it! Once you reach the bottom you'll understand why they call it a Flaming Dr. Pepper shot. It seriously tastes JUST LIKE Dr. Pepper.

I would also like to suggest not doing too many of these like I did the first time. Chugging beer AND shots in quick procession is never a wise decision and before you know it you'll be blacked out face down on the floor.

True Story.

Johnny Vega

This is a newly discovered drink I just came across by accident last week. It's called a Johnny Vega (although the bartender at the time referred to it as a Johnny Vegas). Either way, its a whole lotta lovin.

There was a party of drunk girls standing at the bar next to me ordering this orange drink over and over again and I finally asked the bartender what was that drink that everyone keeps ordering? She explained that it was in fact a Johnny Vegas, equal parts Red Bull, Watermelon Schnapps (I prefer Pucker) and Vodka (any kind will do).

No need to use a shaker just pour into a glass and enjoy! This drink is pretty strong and there isn't much you can do to hide the Vodka flavor so be warned. If you're not a fan of Vodka, I'd stay away from this drink.

I can't seem to find a good picture of this drink for you, all I keep finding is the ugly fat comedian that unfortunately shares the same name as this lovely drink. But rest assured, this drink is idiot proof and when you're done it should look like Orange soda.

Piraat Ale

You will never find a better beer to drink on a lazy afternoon spent watching football or at a fancy dinner. Piraat Ale is a very rich Ale that has an incredibly aromatic aroma. This is my personal favorite and whenever possible I keep it stocked in my fridge.

This is a slightly more expensive beer and likewise shouldn't be gulped down like you would say a bottle of Miller Light. If you want to go with the classy approach there is also a goblet that is suggested you use to drink it with. For all of you wondering, yes, I use the goblet. Not to be pretentious but because it looks totally bad-ass to drink anything out of goblets.

The beer has a very distinct Orange coloring and tends to foam up very easily so when you're pouring it be sure to pour it against the side of the glass or you'll be waiting 15min for the foam to die down so you're not wearing a beer mustache.

You can either buy the beer in 6-pack form or (my personal favorite) the tall bottle that comes sealed with a cork.

This also comes with my strength warning. Be cautious not to drink this too fast. Not only will that be a total waste of a good beer this is on the stronger side of beers weighing in at 10.5% alcohol by volume.

Let me be the first to say, you'll notice after the second or third drink.

Chocolate Cake Shot

This is decidedly not one of my favorite shots however it gets the job done. I will warn you now, this tastes NOTHING like chocolate cake. Those lying bastards...

This is a simple shot to make however it takes some extra hardware. Much like the standard tequila shot you will need to sprinkle your hand with a table top condiment however this time it isn't salt that you're pouring on your hand its sugar. Don't get your hopes up though, it doesn't do much to mask the taste.

To create this abomination all you'll need is equal parts Frangelico hazelnut liquor and Vodka. Mix together in a shaker and put in a shot glass. Lick your hand between the thumb and pointer finger and add sugar. Slam the shot, lick the sugar, try not to make a goofy face.

An alternative to this recipe is mixing equal parts Absolute Citron Vodka and Frandgelico. The difference here is the slightly lemon taste and rather than lick sugar off your hand you suck on a lemon wedge after.

The upside to this shot is the lemon flavor helps to cut down on the power of the shot. The downside to this shot is the lemon leaves pulp and seeds in your mouth.

So it's your call which ever one you choose but be warned, this is a pretty strong shot that tastes nothing like chocolate cake.


Andrew and I wanted to let you know that if you have suggestions for cool drinks or places to go feel free to email us at!!

If we love it or hate it it'll make the blog!


Dirty Girl Scout

As promised, here is the follow up post on the 'Dirty Girl Scout' shot. This is another one of those wimpy yet delicious shots. Still, it should be noted that you can still get drunk off of this shot; you'll probably go into a diabetic coma first though.

This beautiful concoction can either be made into a shot or a drink with ease. The trick is all in how much you make of it. In my personal opinion though, having it as a drink is a lot like drinking melted ice cream. If you are planning on doing some hardcore drinking that night, you might not want to start out with this rich of a shot.

To make a Dirty Girl Scout you mix equal parts Vodka (it doesn't matter what kind), Kahlua, Bailey's Irish Cream and White Creme de Menthe in a shaker with ice and pour into your glass. If done correctly it should be a bright Green color.

It goes down smooth and tastes just like a 'Thin Mint' cookie. The after taste presents a slight taste of Vodka but nothing overwhelming.


Superman Shot

While there are many Superman drinks out there none is probably as delightful as the Superman Shot. This is another one of those drinks that goes down like candy only to sneak up later in the form of slurred speech and falling on your ass.

This drink tastes remarkably similar to the 'Dirty Girl Scout' shot; to which the next post will be on. This is another very easy and simple drink to make.

There are several ways to make the Superman Shot and it should be noted that there is no wrong way. In the game of drinking there are no losers. Except the designated driver.

In a shaker put equal parts Blue Curacao and Goldschlager; strain and pour into the glass. Then sink Grenadine to the bottom and serve! If made correctly it should turn out to be a dull green color.

I have no warnings for this one except be careful who you order this shot in front of. It's not a very manly shot and you might get a weird look from the bartender. Or your girlfriend.

Liquid Cocaine

Ok, this one is close to my heart. This has got to be one of my favorite shots of all time. Not only does it pack a punch it leaves your mouth feeling warm with the taste of Cinnamon lingering long afterwards. Another up side? They're easy to make, none of this pouring over spoons crap.

To make a liquid cocaine:

Equal parts Bacardi 151, Goldschlager and Jagermeister.
(About 1/2 oz. each if you want to get technical)

When you're done it should look something like a dull or rust red with gold flakes visibly floating around. Then just find some friends and enjoy!
Be warned though, you probably shouldn't put away too many of these. If you find yourself taking these with ease, you're probably drunk and should switch to beer.


Hello all! I just wanted to take a quick moment to thank you all for reading our blog. WE hope you enjoy our suggestions and try some of the recipes we have on here!
